Post Operative Instructions


  1. Keep direct pressure on the extraction site. Leave the gauze in place for 30 minutes. Maintain pressure on the site if bleeding persists. You will be given extra sterile gauze. Bleeding from an extraction site might take up to 12 hours to stop, “spotting” is normal for 24-48 hours.
  2.  Avoid smoking or sucking through a straw for the next 10 days, as suction may dislodge the blood clot and cause a dry socket.
  3. Avoid anything that is small and granular such as seeds, nuts, rice, popcorn, or similar foods. Your diet should consist mainly of soft, easily swallowed foods and cool drinks.
  4. No hard rinsing nor spitting for 10 days.  To rid mouth of water, blood, and/or saliva let it drop into a sink and wipe mouth with paper towel or clean towel.
  5. If no drug allergies then acetaminophen 500 mg (not to exceed 3,000mg per day) with ibuprofen 400 mg (not to exceed 2,400mg per day) taken together at the same time is appropriate every 6-8 hours as needed.
  6. Leave the extraction site alone for at least 10 days. After 10 days you may rinse your mouth out with warm salt water (1tsp salt/8oz water). This can be done several times a day for the next few days.
  7. If necessary, take your preferred over-the-counter pain medication. DO NOT take aspirin, as this is a blood thinner and may increase the amount of time it takes for bleeding to stop.

Please call our office EMERGENCY LINE 808-855-6781  if you experience uncontrollable breathing, rapid swelling, or an elevated temperature (fever).